Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What You Look Like in 20 Years

Have you ever imagine how will you look like 20 years from now? I know that most of us just want to stay young and never look old but what if I can show you how will you look like in 20-30 years’ time? Would you like to try it? is a fun website that allows you to meet the older you! This website will magically transform your youthful face into an old, haggard-looking and wrinkled face. It is using an advanced face detection and morphing technology to predict what your face would look like in 20 or 30 years from now. If you are a drug addict, you can also see what future holds for you! Are you excited nervous to try this? Check this out!

1. Prepare your picture or someone else’s picture and go to

2. Select your gender, range of time you want the system to take as the basis for the transformation, and answer if you’re a drug addict (be honest!).

3. The system will automatically transform your face and wait for the result. If you’re happy with it, share it with your friends! is a great way to make fun of your friends! Try it now (don’t worry, it’s free!), you can download your picture, print it and hang it on the wall with a photo frame, see yourself in 2030!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Decorating With Stained Glass Decor

Stained glass art pieces continue to be a popular and classic for home decorating. We love the beauty of stained glass colors and it’s versatility of use. Here are some ideas, stained glass supplies and tips on displaying stained glass art that you might not have thought about.

* Hang stained glass panels or stained glass sun catchers from a window. In the day time, the sun shining through coloured glass casts a beautiful glow in a room. You can see this easily in churches as the stained glass window panels blanket the church hall with a wonderful moody light. You can create a similar feel at home on a smaller scale of course, with sun catchers hanging from a window.

* For a beautiful view from outside your home consider that at night you’ll also benefit from beautiful colors sparkling from your stained glass hangings. When your home is lit up from inside and a stained glass item is viewed from outside, the colors will look vivid, glistening and eye catching.

* Instead of using curtains or ugly, boring window blinds that seem to collect lots of dust, use a larger stained glass panel, decorative window film or hanging for privacy and window decorating.

* If you live with an ugly window view, and I guess to say most people have at least one window eye sore, block the view or camouflage it with a stained glass art piece. I have a dining window that faces my neighbour’s garage wall, not exactly what I want to gaze at while eating dinner. To make my window view more appealing I am on a hunt for a stained glass window hanging that measures the approximate size of the window pane glass.

* Add privacy to a room or use stained glass panels as a room divider. Again we can use stained glass for its functionality and aesthetics. The benefit of using stained glass as a room divider is that it allows for privacy but won’t block all the natural light that we usually want in our rooms.

* If you can afford this option it can really create a room with “wow factor”. Have custom stained glass panels created and used as inserts for kitchen cabinet panels. Depending on your preference you can choose to be able to see inside the cabinet or not depending on the opacity of the glass. No more boring white kitchen.

* If you can’t hang a stained glass art piece for whatever reason (like apartment renters who are sometimes limited from nailing or screwing into walls) you can still enjoy the beauty of stained glass casting wonderful colourful washes of color on a room. A larger stained glass piece can be set to lean on a window shelf or consider buying a stained glass figurine or urn that can sit on your window shelf. If it’s placed in a good spot you can still enjoy the sun rays shining through the stained glass art decoration.

I hope these ideas will inspire you to use stained glass in your home. The stained glass art form have stood the test of time, and while some other home trends come and go, stained glass is here to stay. From old stained glass medieval windows to contemporary stained glass designs, enjoy its classic beauty and share it with others.

Popular stained glass designs continue to be stained glass with magnolia blossoms, stained glass sunflowers, tiffany stained glass floor lamps for home lighting and suncatchers of course.

If you’re looking to get started in this wonderful craft consider the affordable beginners kits in stain glass.

The world will never have enough original stained glass designs.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Helpful Decorating Tips for Selling Your New House

When you sell a house you always hope your prospective buyers have at least a little imagination. Sometimes they do and sometimes they dont, thats the way it is and thats what we have to work with. Sometimes, the house, townhouse, or condo is either very small or has small rooms. Other times the living space is outdated and the potential buyers cant see past the décor, as silly as that sounds. We can all use some helpful decorating tips for selling your new house. Whether its yours or your clients home, there are some simple things you can do to spruce the place up a bit.

No matter what we do we can never please everybody, but we can at least try to update things and make the place more inevitable. Small rooms can be opened up a bit with windows and lighter paint and some splashes of color. Possibly the right furniture can help a room look bigger that it is, even rearranging furniture can help. Remember to keep the colors bright in small rooms; it gives a room a feeling of openness.

If you like an array of colors thats great, use them for accents, as throw pillows, rugs, art work, or drapery. Also, try not to use too many patterns, even if you are a big fan of them; try not to use too contrasting patters. You can use them, just not so much as to make the eyes race around too much. Simple is the idea with patterns. There are thousands of creative ways to help spruce up your spaces. Take some time to do a little research into decorating and organizing when selling your home or when getting ready for a listing.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Enjoy the Cottage Décor in Your Home

We all leading very busy life and hence we deserve to be calm and relax, but is it possible to take rest in wooden cottage and beach resort all the time? Certainly the answer is no. As an alternative why don’t we make cottage décor into our home? Yes, it is possible to make cottage style of décor in our home by crafting simple modification in the home decoration. Composing a perfect combination of colors, usage of furniture and style of display these three are major things to put together to create a cottage décor into your home. The fine mixture of pale blue and green shades will definitely renders the look and feel of beach cottage décor. In case of furniture placing wooden sets in living space will be a best choice to make cottage stylish decoration. The old pine and oak materials display and storage shelves would enhance the style of cottage.